How we get over(ride)…meeting tonight

Hey Blogging Belmont! With the elections behind us, we’re on to the meat of budgeting and dealing with the structural deficit that’s sapping our community. With a vote on a proposition 2 1/2 override due on the ballot on June 14, its time to get organized and make sure that the override passes.
To that end, there’s an organizational meeting tonight for those interested in joining the campaign in support of a Proposition 2 1/2 override vote. Here are the details. RSVP to if you can make it!

Date: Tuesday April 13, 2010

Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Place: Butler Elementary School Library

Our town leaders are hard at work finalizing the Town’s budget, and it now looks like the Selectmen will vote to hold a special election so that Belmont voters can vote on an operating override on June 14th.

Our objective will be to establish goals, identify leaders, define major components of the campaign, and begin to map out a schedule for a campaign that will only have 8 short weeks to succeed.  If you already have ideas of ways you might like to participate in this campaign, please reply to this email and let us know.

Some other ways to help:

  • Attend Meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School and Warrant Committees: A joint meeting of the BOS, Warrant and School Committees will be held Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 7:30 PM in the Chenery Middle School, Community Room.  This will be a great opportunity to understand how the proposed budget cuts will impact Town services.
  • Volunteer: We’re going to need lots of volunteers to get the message out about the need for an override and the dire consequences to both our town and school services if we don’t pass one. Talk to your friends about the override and get them to show up at the organizing meeting tonight, or come out on Wednesday night to let our elected leaders know that you care about the future of the town and are ready to stand up and get involved.